lunes, 6 de marzo de 2017



Audacity programa erabiliz, 4 audio fusionatu ditut. 
  1. Lehenengoa, nik irakut¡rritako Garcilaso-ren biografia. (Wikipediatik) 
  2. Bigarrena, nire ahotza, Garcilaso-ren I sonetoa irakurtzen.
  3. Hirugarrena, nire ahotza, Garcilasoren XVII sonetoa irakurtzen.
  4. Laugarrena, piano musika lasaia.(YouTube-tik) 
  •  Lortu dugun artxiboa, nire ahotza eta pianoaren nahasketa da.
Nire ahotza biografia-sonetoak  + piano musika = nire ahotza eta pianoa batera.

  • By using the Audacity programme, we have mixed 4 audios. 
  1. The first one, myself reading the biography  of Garcilaso.(From Wikipedia)
  2. The scond one, myself reading the sonnet I of Garcilaso.
  3. The third one, myself reading the sonnet XVII of Garcilaso.
  4. The fourth one, some piano music.
  • The document we have created has my voice and the piano together.
My voice reading the biography-sonnets + the piano music = my voice and the piano together. 

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Crocodile+ AtubeCatcher

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