martes, 21 de marzo de 2017

Movie Maker

  • Movie Maker programa erabiliz, erlaxazioaren inguruko bideo bat sortu dugu. 
  1. Lehenik, Audacity programa erabiliz, kitarra eta txirula nahastu ditut.
  2. Ondoren, Movie Maker erabili dut bideo bat eratzeko. Hainbat argazki bildu ditut.
  3. Azkenik, Movie Maker programan, sortutako audioa  bideoari ezarri diot. 

  • I have used the programme Movie Maker to create a video related with relaxation.
  1. First, by using Audacity, I have created an audio of  guitar and flute. 
  2. Then, with Movie Maker, I have created a compilation of images taken from internet.
  3. To fisnish, I have added the audio to the video created. 

lunes, 13 de marzo de 2017



  • Guitarra eta flautaren audioak fusionatu ditugu. 
  • Audacity programa erabiliz.

  • We have mixed the audios fo a flute and a guitar.
  • By using Audacity programme. 

lunes, 6 de marzo de 2017



Audacity programa erabiliz, 4 audio fusionatu ditut. 
  1. Lehenengoa, nik irakut¡rritako Garcilaso-ren biografia. (Wikipediatik) 
  2. Bigarrena, nire ahotza, Garcilaso-ren I sonetoa irakurtzen.
  3. Hirugarrena, nire ahotza, Garcilasoren XVII sonetoa irakurtzen.
  4. Laugarrena, piano musika lasaia.(YouTube-tik) 
  •  Lortu dugun artxiboa, nire ahotza eta pianoaren nahasketa da.
Nire ahotza biografia-sonetoak  + piano musika = nire ahotza eta pianoa batera.

  • By using the Audacity programme, we have mixed 4 audios. 
  1. The first one, myself reading the biography  of Garcilaso.(From Wikipedia)
  2. The scond one, myself reading the sonnet I of Garcilaso.
  3. The third one, myself reading the sonnet XVII of Garcilaso.
  4. The fourth one, some piano music.
  • The document we have created has my voice and the piano together.
My voice reading the biography-sonnets + the piano music = my voice and the piano together. 

Crocodile+ AtubeCatcher

Crocodile programa erabiliz, zirkuito elektrikoa sortu dugu. Jarraian, Atube catcher programarekin pantaila grabatu dugu zirkuitoa ...